In 2017 – 2018 Ukraine remains a global leader in the sunflower production

In 2017 – 2018 Ukraine remains a global leader in the sunflower production despite decline in crop compared to 2016 down to 13.5 million tonnes (13.86 million tonnes in 2016 – 2017). Forecast is made by Agritel - Kiev.

The reduction is entirely at the expense of reduced average yield - 2.14 mt/ ha (2.2). Areas under cultivation remain unchanged from 6.3 million hectares.

Sunflower processing in the country remains stable at 13.2 million tonnes.

Initial stocks rose to 0.37 million tonnes (0.19).

Analysts expect stable sunflower oil prices over the season. From March 2018 sunflower oil, new crop, from Argentina, will come out to markets as competition of the Ukrainian. In the new season in Argentina areas under sunflower cultivation rise  by + 18% over the previous season.