On Feb 2, 2021, Egypt purchased 480,000 tons of wheat

On Feb 2, 2021, the Egyptian state company GASC held a tender for the purchase of wheat with delivery in March 15-30.

Contracts have been concluded for the supply of 480,000 tons of wheat as follows:


  • 120,000 tons of Russian wheat at a price of FOB 295.80 USD/ton + freight of 15.40 USD/ton, a total of 311.20 USD/ton
  • 240,000 tons of French wheat at a price of FOB 291.70 USD/ton + freight of 20.25 USD/ton, a total of 311.95 USD/ton
  • 60,000 tons of Romanian wheat at a price of FOB 296.60 USD/ton + freight of 14.63 USD/ton, a total of 311.23 USD / ton
  • 60,000 tons of Ukrainian wheat at a price of FOB 294.85 USD/ton + freight of 16.35 USD/ton, a total of 311.20 USD/ton