India To Reduce Oilseed Oil Import By 0.3 Mln Tons In 2016 - 2017

Oil World reports that India will reduce oilseed oil import in 2016 – 2017 to 14.88 mln tons versus 15.19 mln tons in 2015 – 2016.

Soybean oil purchases will be 3.6 mln tons (4.41), rapeseed oil 0.3 mln tons (0.35), sunflower oil 1.85 mln tons (1.53) and palm oil 9.0 mln tons (8.77).

Meanwhile, oilseed oil production in India has grown by 1.22 mln tons versus the previous season to 5.83 mln tons. Soybean and rapeseed processing will increase.

In the next months, India will be buying a lot of oilseed oil from the world markets and import between April and September will exceed last year’s import by 0.8 mln tons.

Oilseed oil consumption in India keeps growing despite slowing down in the current season to +0.7+0.8 mln tons versus +1.2+1.3 mln tons during the last two seasons.