India: Wheat Forecast For India Considerably Decreased

Bloomberg survey shows that 2016 – 2017 wheat yield in India will be 91 mln tons, which is 5.6 mln tons less than the official forecast by the country's Ministry of Agriculture and has been the poorest result since 2014 – 2015.

With the present yield, grain deficit in India will be obvious. February wheat stocks in the country were 11.53 mln tons or a drop of 43% on the previous year. As a result od this, wheta import will be 2 mln tons – second best ofr the past 11 years.

The authorities will try to complete national stocks by buying 33 mln tons off farmers (+44%). It is believed that even an import tax of 25% will not prevent private companies from importing wheat, especially in the southern parts of the country. Tax increase is expected before the end of the month.