According to FAS USDA, in the current season, corn crop in SAR is estimated at 17.1 million tonnes, by 109% more than 2015 – 2016 – 8.2 million tonnes.
As of September 25, 2017 in Russia harvest is completed on 39.3 million hectares under grain crops cultivation - 83.5% of the areas (41.6 million hectares in 2016.) 120.7 million tonnes of grain are harvested (109.2) at average yield of 3.07 mt/ha(2.62).
According to AgRural report, at the beginning of the current week, soybean sowing is completed at 0.3%, far below the indicator from previous year - 5%
According to Indore-based GGN International, in 2017 – 2018 food vegetable oils production in India will reach 7.66 million tonnes at 7.05 million tonnes a year earlier.