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Grain Highlights

According to forecast of Abiove, in 2018, biodiesel production in Brazil will be 5.5 billion litres at 4.2 billion litres in 2017.

Grain Highlights

In November, grain export from Russia will reach 4.7 million tonnes according to RusAgroTrans. The previous estimate was for export of 4.5 million tonnes. Wheat export will rеach 3.7 million tonnes at 2.67 million tonnes in 2016.

Grain Highlights

According to traders estimate, in December, Import of vegetable oils to India will reach 600,000 tonnes at 750,000 tonnes in October. Domestic consumption will be directed to oils produced in the country.

Grain Highlights

According to UkrAgroConsult in 2017/2018 sunflower crop in Bulgaria will be 1.9 million tonnes at 1.8 million tonnes a year earlier. During the season the domestic consumption of sunflower will increase and import will decline – trends that have started in 2013/2014.

Grain Highlights

According to forecast of Informa Economics,in 2018, corn areas in the US wil be 91.415 million acres given 90.46 million acres in the previous forecast. In 2017 corn areas were 90.4 million acres.

Grain Highlights

Strategie Grains lowered their forecast on soft wheat crop in the EU in 2018. Areas under cultivation will be 23.5 million hectares, by 0.3% less than the October forecast and 0.2% less than the estimate for 2017.

Grain Highlights

According to official data from Romania during the period July - September 2017/18, 781,000 tonnes of barley were exported from the country, by 20% less than the previous year.

Grain Highlights

In October 2017 3.545 million tonnes of wheat were exported from Russia, by 13.8% less than the September eecord, but by 67% more than the October 2016 export.

Grain Highlights

According to Oil World, palm oil stocks in Malaysia at the end of 2017 will reach 2.3 million tonnes at 1.67 million tonnes at the end of 2016 and 2.63 million tonnes at the end of 2015.

Grain Highlights

In 2017, grain crop in Ukraine will reach 62.2 million tonnes, by 5.9% less than in 2016. Decline is due mostly to corn.