According to Oil World, in 2017г areas under soybean cultivation in Argentina were 18.5 million hectares at 19.1 million hectares in the previous forecast.
According to latest forecast of Coceral, in 2017 rapeseed crop will be 22.11 million tonnes, by 630,000 tonnes more than the previous year and by 1.56 million tonnes more thean the 2016 crop.
According to Oil World, soybean oil production in Brazil in 2017 – 2018 will increase by 0.4 million tponnes compared to last year and reach a 5 years high at 8.57 million tonnes
According to Statistics Canada's latest report, canola crop in Canada in 2017 – 2018 will reach 19.7 million tonnes, by 0.5% more than the previous season.
According to the Department of Agriculture, in 2017 – 2018 areas under corn cultivation in the state of Parana decline by 33% to 344.5 thousand hectares at 513.6 thousand hectares in the previous season.