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Grain Highlights

In October 2017 3.545 million tonnes of wheat were exported from Russia, by 13.8% less than the September eecord, but by 67% more than the October 2016 export.

Grain Highlights

According to Oil World, palm oil stocks in Malaysia at the end of 2017 will reach 2.3 million tonnes at 1.67 million tonnes at the end of 2016 and 2.63 million tonnes at the end of 2015.

Grain Highlights

In 2017, grain crop in Ukraine will reach 62.2 million tonnes, by 5.9% less than in 2016. Decline is due mostly to corn.

Grain Highlights

In November the export of grain from Russia will be 4.45 million tonnes. In October the export was 4.56 million tonnes, and in November 2016 – 3.75 million tonnes. For the period July - November the export will exceed for the first time the level of 20 million tonnes according to data of Rusagrotrans to 21.5 million tonnes (17.18).

Grain Highlights

In October import of soybean to China is 5.86 million tonnes, by 28% less than in September. The figure is far below the market expectations, though by 12% above last year's figure – 5.21 million tonnes. There is a delay of shipments from the US.

Grain Highlights

According to the latest forecast of the National Bank of Australia, the wheat crop in the country in the new season will be 18.7 million tonnes, which is 2.8 million below the USDA forecast.

Grain Highlights

As of November 3, 2017in Ukraine, 11.2 million tonnes of sunflower were jharvested on 5.7million hectares (96%).

Grain Highlights

During the period November - December , 5 million tonnes of soybean will be exported from Brazil to China, double as much as last year's 2.49 million tonnes.

Grain Highlights

During the week ending on October 31, 2017 only 18,000 tonnes of soft wheat were exported from the EU. From the beginning of the season, 6.59 mln tonnes of soft wheat were exported from the EU,by 25% less yoy.

Grain Highlights

From the beginning of the season Russia has exported 2.2 million tonnes of barley, which is 64% more than last year. On the export list of the country barley ranks a second place with a share of 13%.