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News from Brazil

Weather conditions in Brazil are particularly favourable for grains growth this season. Corn yield will be 21 mln tons higher than last season while soybean yield will be 10 mln tons higher.

News from Argentina

According to the grain stock exchange in Buenos Aires, sunflower yield in Argentina will reach 3.5 mln tons this season, which is 40% more than the previous year.

News From India

The Indian government is about to reintroduce an import tax on wheat, so that the country’s farmers are protected. The tax was lowered from 10% to 0% on December 8, 2017.

News In Brief

South Korean association for fodder production KFA has announced an auction for the purchase of 50 – 65,000 tons of corn with random origin.

News From Russia And Ukraine

Ukraine exported 140,000 tons of sunflower between September 2016 and January 2017, which is a record level for the period over the last six years.

News From China

Chinese corporation Cofco is negotiating the delivery of 15,000 to 23,000 tons of corn to Japan before the end of February.

News From Brazil

As of February 17, 2017, 23.4% of the summer corn yield in Brazil, covering an area of 47.55 mln decare, have been harvested.