Grain Highlights

Grain Highlights 27.12.2023

During the period from December 1 to 25, Russia's grain exports amounted to 3.1 million tons, showing a decrease of 27.5% compared to the same period of the previous year. This includes 2.605 million tons of wheat (a decrease of 31%), 150,000 tons of barley (a decrease of 7.5%), and 362,000 tons of corn (an increase of 2.4%).

Grain Highlights 22.12.2023

According to data from the Grain Exchange in Buenos Aires as of December 20, 2023, in Argentina, 59% of the planned corn areas for the first corn crop have been planted (+10% for the week and 52% more than the previous year).

Grain Highlights 21.12.2023

SovEcon has increased its forecast for the wheat production in Russia for 2024/25 by 1.5 million tons to 91.3 million tons (91.7 in 2023/24).

Grain Highlights 20.12.2023

The authorities in Bulgaria have initiated a procedure to coordinate import licenses for the import of sunflower seeds from Ukraine. The delivery contracts are for the period of January to February.

Grain Highlights 19.12.2023

In November, China imported 3.59 million tons of corn, which, combined with the country's record production, significantly suppresses corn prices.

Grain Highlights 18.12.2023

The condition of winter crops in Russia is very good, with only 4% of crops in poor condition (8% average for the last five years)

Grain Highlights 18.12.2023

According to data from the Grain Exchange in Buenos Aires as of December 13, 2023, 49.3% of the planned corn areas in Argentina have been sown.

Grain Highlights 11.12.2023

According to China's National Bureau of Statistics, a record corn production of 288.8 million tons was harvested in the country in 2023 (compared to 277.2 in 2022).

Grain Highlights 08.12.2023

Conab has lowered its forecast for the 2023 wheat production in Brazil by 15% due to heavy rainfall in the south, reaching 8.14 million tons, still the second-highest result in history after the record in 2022 – 10.55 million tons.