Accordinh to Rusagrotrans, in June, Turkey is the major buyer of Russian grain with a share of 13.9^%, followed by Iran 10.1%, Egypt 7.3% and Lebanon 7%.
In 2016 – 2017 soybean yield in Brazil will be over 113 million tonnes (an average level according to most analysts), given 95.5 million tonnes in the previous season.
IGC lowered estimates on global wheat production in 2017-2018 by 1million tonnes down to 735 million tonnes, given 754 million tonnes in the current season.
According to Statistics Canada, sowing of grain and oil crops in Canada is completed. Areas under canola cultivation amount to 9.23 million hectares, by 12% more than 2016.
In May 2017 palm oil export from Malaysia increases by 17% (0.22 million tonnes) compared to May 2016 up to 1.51 million tonnes, by 0.3 million tonnes mores than in April, according to Oil World.
Strong soybeans demand against the backdrop of rising consumption rates in Pakistan leads to increase in import during the period April - June: 636,000 tonnes given 409,000 tonnes a year earlier..