According to data of the association of processors of oil cultures in India SEA, in June the import of the four basic oil cultures in India increases by 14% compared to the index for June 2016 to 1.33 mln USD.
In 2017 – 2018 wheat production in Canada may reach 22.7 million tonnes, by 1.3 million tonnes less than the June forecast and by 5% less than the previous year, according to Agriculture and AgriFood Canada (AAFC).
Jordan cancelled a tender for the purchase of 100,000 tonnes of milling wheat. A new tender for the purchase of 100,000 tonnes of hard milling wheat is announced.
On Tuesday soybeans and corn prices in Chicago rose, and wheat went down. Variations however were moderate.In Paris the movements were minimal and diffused.
On July 18th 2017 the Egypt's state company held a tender for wheat for August 21st - 31st shipment. That is a third tender from the beginning of July.
According to data of the European Commission, sunflower, rapeseed and corn crops in Romania will increase in 2017, while that of wheat and barley will decrease.