Grain Highlights

News from Russia

As of September 1, 2017 harvest in Russia is completed on 28.2 million hectares or 58.7% of the areas (32.3 million hectares in 2016).

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

According to official report from Great Britain, at the end of June, wheat stocks in the country are estimated at 1.39 million tonnes, by 48% less than in June 2016.

News from Russia

Due to cold weather in many regions in Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture keeps its forecast for grain crop in 2017 at 110 million tonnes.

SAR will harvest a record corn crop

In 2017, SAR will harvest record corn crop – 16.412 million tonnes, due to good weather conditions after prolonged drought, according to СЕС.

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Japan announced a tender for the purchase of 125,713 tonnes of milling wheat from the US and Canada for December 31, 2017 shipment.

Grains And Oilseeds News in Brief

Egypt will announce its decision for the batch of 63,000 tonnes of Romanian wheat with content of popy seeds more than the admissible quantity.