Grain Highlights

Grain Highlights

According to Buenos Aires Grain Exchange forecast, the wheat crops will be 17 million tonnes (16.8 years earlier).

Brazil increases wheat import

In August 2017, 656,011 tonnes of wheat were imported to Brazil, by 30.5% more than July 2017 and by 13.8% more than August 2016.

Grains And Oilseeds News in Brief

As of September 1, 2017 sunflower stocks in Ukraine amounted to 672,000 tonnes. In 2016 crop was at record high – 13.63 million tonnes, and in 2015 – 11.18 million tonnes.

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Food grain production, summer crop, in India in 2017-2018, by 2.8% to 134.67 million tonnes. Rice crop falls by 2% to 94.48 million tonnes.

News from Mexico

In 2017 corn crop in Mexico will decline by 5.7% compoared to last year. Wheat crop will decline as well.