According to Trigo & Farinhas, in July505,000 tonnes of milling wheat were imported to Brazil, by 11% more that for the same perios in the previous year.
Analysts of Informa Economics decrease corn production in the US in 2017 – 2018 down to 351.8 million tonnes at July forecast of USDA - 362.1 million tonnes.
According to preliminary date from the customs authorities, from the beginning of the season until August 1, 2017, only 941,000 tonnes of soft wheat were exported from the EU given 2.6 million tonnes a year earlier.
FAS USDA forecast, that in 2017 – 2018, wheat crop in Argentina will reach 16.65 million tonnes, by 850,000 tonnes less than the official forecast of USDA.
From the beginning of the season until July 3, 2017 2.74 million tonnes of grain were exported from Ukraine, by 160,000 tonnes more than the same period, in the previous year.