Grain Highlights

Latest IGC Forecasts

The large grain ending stocks will make up for the reduced production and demand will drop by only 1%.

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Jordan has announced an auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of milling wheat to be delivered in October or November. An auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of barley fodder ahs been announced too, to be delivered in May or June.

USA: Wheat Price Decline Boosts Export Sales

Weekly export sales of American wheat (between March 17 and March 23) this time exceeded the market expectations, which were 250,00 – 450,000 tons. Sales were supported by the wheat decline in Chicago.

Ethanol Stocks In The USA Close To Their Record Level

Ethanol stocks in the USA grew to 23.257 mln barrels in the past week, which is 0.662 mln barrels more than the previous week and reached the second highest level in history. The information came from the Ministry of Energy of the USA.

News In Brief

Spring crop sowing in Russia has been completed on 0.824 mln hectares as of March 30, 2017 or 1.6% of the plan. 0.892 mln hectares of spring crops had been sowed as of the same date in 2016. Areas sowed with grains have reached 0.613 mln hectares now (2% and 6.35).

News In Brief

On March 30, 2017 Tunisia will carry out an auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of soft wheat and 75,000 tons of barley fodder of random origin to be delivered between May and July.