Grain Highlights

News In Brief

South Korean association for fodder production KFA has announced an auction for the purchase of 50 – 65,000 tons of corn with random origin.

News From Russia And Ukraine

Ukraine exported 140,000 tons of sunflower between September 2016 and January 2017, which is a record level for the period over the last six years.

News From China

Chinese corporation Cofco is negotiating the delivery of 15,000 to 23,000 tons of corn to Japan before the end of February.

News From Brazil

As of February 17, 2017, 23.4% of the summer corn yield in Brazil, covering an area of 47.55 mln decare, have been harvested.

News In Brief

Commodity Weather Group analysers predict that the unususally warm wether in USA's wheat belt will bring crops out of their hibernation within the next 10 days.

Corn Yield In Brazil Will Be 89.6 Mln Tons In 2016 - 2017

A Reuters research based on forecasts made by 18 analysis agencies corn production in Brazil will be 89.6 mln tons in 2016 - 2017, which is 34.7% more than the previous season when the yield was severely damaged by drought.

Grain Stocks In Russia Grow By Over 11%

Grain stocks in Russia were 35.247 mln tons on February 17, 2017, which was 11.3% more than the February 1, 2017 amount or +3.587 mln tons, Rossat reported.

News In Brief

A large number of ships waiting to be loaded are currently stationed at a Canadian west coast port.