According to the latest FAS USDA forecast, corn yield in Brazil will reach the record 93 mln tons, which is 39% more than the previous season, which was affected by serious drought.
In 2016 – 2017, oilseed oil import in India may reach 14.81 mln tons, which will be 0.4 mln tons less than last year's record and will be the first decline in the past five years.
Over the first 36 weeks of the current season, 12.1 mln tons of wheat were exported from Canada, which was 18% less than the current season, CGC reported.
In their April forecast, USDA analysts increased the 2016 – 2017 wheat production worldwide by 0.29 mln tons versus the March forecast up to 751.36 mln tons, which is 16.13 mln tons more than 2015 – 2016.