Grain Highlights

News In Brief

Market operateors report that Jordan has announced another auction for the import of 150,000 tons of barley fodder to be delivered in July 2017.

Argentina Harvested Record Wheat Yield

Argentinian Ministry of Agriculture reported that wheat yield in the country has increased to the record 18.39 mln tons, which is 1.89 mln tons more than the previous estimate and 7.0 mln tons more than the previous year.

News In Brief

Corn yield in Malawi will rise to 3.2 mln tons in the current season despite insect damage.

IGC Increased Its World Grain Production Forecast

IGC analysts increased their forecast on grain production worldwide in 2016 – 2017 up to the record 2.1 billion tons versus 2.09 billion tons in itsmJanuary forecast and 2.01 billion tons in 2015 – 2016.

India: Wheat Forecast For India Considerably Decreased

Bloomberg survey shows that 2016 – 2017 wheat yield in India will be 91 mln tons, which is 5.6 mln tons less than the official forecast by the country's Ministry of Agriculture and has been the poorest result since 2014 – 2015.