Grain Highlights

News In Brief

Egypt's trategic wheat stocks are sufficient to satisfy domestic demand in the next 4 months.

News In Brief

In the current season, American farmers’ profit will go down by 8.7% upon 2016 to 62.3 bln USD. The decline follows a 4-year trend.

News In Brief

71,870 tons of wheat were exported from Bulgaria between January 27 and February 3, 2017 including 19,000 tons to EU countries with the rest of the export going to third countries. 3.396 mln tons of wheat have been exported from Bulgaria since the beginning of the seaon..

News From Russia And Ukraine

639,900 tons of grain were exported from Ukrainian sea ports between January 28 and February 3 compared with 705,000 tons a week ago, APK - Inform reported.

Canada Increases Grain Export, Excluding Wheat

21.5 mln tons of grain were exported from Canada between the beginning of the current season (August 1, 2016) and January 29, 2017, which is 2% less than the previous year, Canadian Grain Commission announced