Grain Highlights

News In Brief

Jordan bought 50,000 tons of barley fodder at 180 USD/ton and delivery in July.

Canada: Spring Wheat Production Deteriorates

Canadian Ministry of Agriculture lowered its forecast on 2017 wheat production in the country by 0.5 mln tons versus 2016 down to 28.6 mln tons. Spring wheat production forecast was lowered by 3.12 mln tons.

News In Brief

On January 22, 2017, Taiwan Millers Association purchased 102,850 tons of milling wheat to be delivered between April 19 and May 3, 2017. The price was 187.15 – 275.51 USD/ton FOB.

News from Brazil

Weather conditions in Brazil are particularly favourable for grains growth this season. Corn yield will be 21 mln tons higher than last season while soybean yield will be 10 mln tons higher.

News From India

The Indian government is about to reintroduce an import tax on wheat, so that the country’s farmers are protected. The tax was lowered from 10% to 0% on December 8, 2017.