Jordan announced a tender for the purchase of 100,000 tonnes of hard milling wheat. A tender for the purchase of 100,000 \tonnes of feed barley is announced as well.
USDA: in 2017 – 2018 the global wheat crop will reach 743.2 million tonnes by 5.4 million tonnes more than the July estimate, but by 11.7 million tonnes less than in 2016 – 2017.
USDA raised its forecast for the global soybean crop in 2017-2018, by 2 million tonnes to 347.36 million tonnes, by 4.34 million tonnes more than in the current season.
According to forecast of the Ukrainian Grains Association, in 2017 – 2018 46 – 47 million tonnes of grain and oil crops may be exported from the country given 47.5 million tonnes in 2016 – 2017.