On Thursday crop prices in Chicago collapsed after the USDA August report was published. The biggest decline was for the soybeans. In Paris prices also went down led by the rapeseed.
Harvest campaign in the EU shows diverse yields and quality of the grains. There are good indicators in Southeast Europe while in Germany rainfall had damaging impact.
According to the Brazilian trade company Zeni, in 2017, wheat crop may fall to 5.58 million tonnes at 6.73 million tonnes a year earlier. Reduction is due to decreased cultivated areas and yields.
According to Oil World, in July 2017, soybean meal export from India reached 40,000 – 45,000 tonnes at 23,000 tonnes in July 2016. From the beginning of 2017 soybean meal export reached 1.03 million tonnes at 172,000 tonnes in the same period of 2016.
At the end of July palm oil stocks in Indonesia reached a record high of 1.78 million tonnes - the highest level since April 2016 and with the highest monthly growth since April 2015.
A group of Taiwanese companies MFIG should have already carried out a tender yesterday for the purchase of 130 000 tonnes of corn for October - November shipment.