For the week ended on 27.04.2017 from EU for third countries are exported 322 000 tonnes of soft wheat including 135 000 tonnes French wheat.Since the beginning of the season 20.29 mln.tonnes of soft wheat were exported including 3.84 mln.tonnes French wheat,which is 18% less than the previous season.
From the beginning of the wheat purchase campaign in Egypt - April 2017, GASC has purchased 110,000 tonnes of crops from farmers, compared to 129,000 tonnes a year earlier. The plan is for purchases of 3.8 mln. tonnes.
According to USDA estimate in 2017 - 2018 areas under soybean cultivation in Paraguay will decline by 3% to 3.35 mln.ha. Second crop soybean areas are on decrease and transferred to the more profitable corn.