In April 2017, 1.395 mln tonnes of wheat were exported from France, the highest level for the current season. April 2016 export figure was by 43% lower.
According to FAO's latest forecast, in 2017 – 2018 global grain demand will slightly lag behind supply, which will support stocks close to the record levels.
Brazil increased bioethanol import over 6 times in May, compared to the same month in 2016, up to 248 mln liters. Compared to April export rises by 122%.
On June 7th, 2017 Algeria purchased 450 000 – 480 000 tonnes of wheat at price of 197.25 – 199.5 USD/mt, C&F. Most likely the wheat originates from France.
During the period January - April 2017 11.6 mln tonnes of grain were exported from Argentina - by 17% less than the same period of last year according toSenasa.
Grain production in India rises by 2%, while import remains at low level. Grain yields in the country will reach 307.25 mln tonnes, by 2% more than the previous year.